Tuesday, September 16, 2003

The loneliest person…

Splender comes up with a nice song and now everyone would like to claim that they are melancholy’s children fathered by no less than Mr. Pain himself.
Like radio stations that claim they’re all no. 1, Like ABS CBN and GMA who have constantly been the no.1 network on Philippine Television (I beg to disagree, NBN channel 4 is the no.1 channel in this country! Huh?!) since time immemorial. We have succumbed to the crave for the incovetous title of the loneliest person in the whole world.
In response to the ever growing popularity of the title, Angels from middle earth in cooperation with DTI decided to hold a raffle draw with the loneliest person title at stake.
What’s the catch? Once crowned with the glory of sadness, the unlucky person will be entitled to a lifetime sympathy from admirers which comes from all walks of life. There will only be 1 winner as there will only be 1 draw. The unfortunate solitary grief-stricken winner will also win a million worth of heartaches and five hundred gallons of tears.
Send your entries with your name, address, signature, proof of sadness and your 2x2 picture at designated drop boxes in your parish church.
Grand draw will be on the last day of this lonely planet.
Per DTI-NCR permit number 08091109 series of 1980.


Sentimental Fool

Last Saturday I joined Jeff’s family at Ever Bowling center and as expected I got all sentimental again… maybe I should just stay in my room and sleep all day and start avoiding these places.
I watched Jeff and Reggie (Jeff’s sister) play billiards and all I could see was her and a cuestick… I miss playing billiards with her. And as I looked over at the bowling lanes… Memories of Rockwell, bowling shoes, a 2 game gift certificate and her flooded my head…
And I’m on an all expense paid trip down to memory lane.
Nothing could ever surpass this feeling.
Please hear my plea
Come back…

Rain fell at 4:27 pm


angels do cry...

This was written by a friend who just lost her heart...
I feel sorry for what happened and somehow I also
feel guilty because it was my
best friend caused you this pain...
Just remember that you can always
call me whenever you need someone to talk to...
you're right...
Next time I'll write everything with a pencil too..

I always write with a pencil so I could erase, review and revise if I don't like what I've composed
If I know im gonna cry, I write it in a scratch
So he wouldn't know tears fell while Im writing
He wouldn't need to see the traces but he'll feel the moment
I feel so unlovely not having him, and the thought of not having him ever scares me to death
Like the latin-speaking ghost that haunts people, not leaving, resounding, resonating
I pray, I hope, I wait
Im afraid I'll lose hope in prayers
I wish were just scratch so I could revise and make it perfect
How I wish I wrote "us" with a pencil, I wont erase it I'll superimpose
And everythings gonna be better...

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