Monday, September 22, 2003

The Last

If I were dead and God would grant me just one wish. I'd tell Him... God give me one last chance to see her. I want to feel her love one last time.
I want to spend every moment of that wish with her. I'll tell her how much I still love her so and that I'm leaving my heart to her. And then I will kiss her one last time and He can take me back so long as He promises to take care of her.
Take me now, just give me that wish...



I like the way they come up with TV ads nowadays, how they blend humor to ride with commercials. You see this funny ad and you'd definitely remember the product. Witty, Funny and a Smart move too.
Take this Fast Relief Alaxan ad and the mutant saleslady who went psycho with the poor customer. A lot of people found that funny... (except me of course, just a jest!) The "leave me alonnneee!" Chippy Ad, I thought that was funny too. And just recently, The Fita Fairy make a wish half of the sports car ad. (sorry, I'm not really good with synopsis but if you've seen it you'll know what I'm talking about... e pa'no nga kung hinde?! Basta abangan niyo sa TV).
If this keeps up, The only reason I'll be watching TV is to wait for commercials. And with the way things are going, I guess the reign of soap operas is bound to end. We'll be watching TV for gags in the ads! Yey!
My mom will not be happy with that, though.

2 hours at the Day Care

Eddie Murphy is one funny man.
Nope. Steve Zahn is.
Oh well, the movie was funny.
And moving...
(gee, this is why I'm never ever getting the work of a movie reviewer, I suck at it! I always pass up on film review assignments back in college, but I don't deny that I'm a movie buff...Hell I'm not!)
The part that threw me out of my seat was the daddy and son conversation between Eddie and the kid. I didn't exactly catch the words but it was something like...
Eddie: I need to work so I could buy you toys... [or something like that]
The Kid said: I'd sell all my toys, so we won't be needing toys and you don't need to work anymore so I can be with you...
Oooowww... ain't that touching?
Every kid needs a father, and not just a father per se. A father who can be both a father and a playmate, who can see to it that he sees his son grow up. A father who will teach his son basketball or play the guitar. A father who can deal with PMS ad buys his daughter push up bras (now that's a little out of his league!!!) and lastly a father who can spend quality time with his kids.
When I grow up I want to be a daddy... there's nothing wrong with that as long as you're male.
(Did I include a father who can run a day care center?).

Rain fell at 1:16 pm

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