Monday, October 27, 2003

These girls rock!

We had a nice time last night, not only did we get to hang out with the voodoo child , (all praises for this lass!) We also got a piece of STC's music! and I tell you man! These girls can really rock!
I don't really enjoy watching gigs, I get this itchy feeling inside that makes me want to climb up the stage and grab the microphone. Last night was different, these girls make you want to be on the sideline and just listen to them, and the crowd was great too. They screamed, they danced, they jumped and cheered their homegrown bands like it was The Beatles back in the 60's.
Lotsa pretty girls too!


The Teens

You walk through a crowd of younger people and you realize that your age has finally caught up with you.
Then you'd start to think about the things you missed doing when you were young and the things that you failed to do.
And all you can do is just sit and stare and get the hang of it.
That's exactly what my friend and I felt yesterday when we entered St. Theresa's College.
"Tol, ang tanda na pala natin..."
Oh well!
Age has only wheels to be able to run but the person itself do not.
and so what? I still can pass for a 19 year old!


I carried this thought inside me the whole time yesterday.

Out all the pretty faces that surrounds me, There's still only one face that my eyes yearn for.


I miss you...

Rain fell at 8:45 am

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