Friday, November 07, 2003

Kuwentong Barbero
(a barber's tale)

I had a real bad date with the hairdresser. Why is it that whenever I decide to cut my hair, it would always turn into a disaster event. If there's one thing that is consistent in my entire life, it's that I always go home feeling bad after a haircut.
The gay barber had his own story too, he keep on rambling about this guy who used to work at their place, (i suppose he's a barber too) who decided to resign because his wife who was based in Bicol kept on calling him to go home. My hairdresser, a.k.a Mister cut whatever you want kept on saying "akala kase nila mabubuhay sila sa emosyon" ["they thought they could just live (with that he meant survive) with emotions"].
Apparently the guy who resigned wants to go back here in Manila and back to his job again because he can't stand babysitting anymore. He went from being a barber to a house husband bum just to be with his wife.
Imagine me sitting there listenin' to all this tuff while the hairdresser murders ny hair.
He killed my dreams of surprising her with my Hua Ze Lei hairstyle.
The same way he stabbed my passion for emotions.
Is love enough for us love to survive? or there are far more important things than emotions?
Like money, security and all the material bullshit this sick world has to offer...
Has the world really gone mad and sour?

Maybe I should just be like the hairdresser. Cut hairs and earn and not feel...
not feel that my customer's hair has gone berserk...
Maybe I should stop feeling and stop loving because I always end up losing anyway.

But I'm way on top of all that.

I want to love and risk not being loved in return even if it means I'll get my hair murdered over and over again.

and this is not just one barber's tale...


2 more days

I don't know what will happen nor do I know how I'm gonna get in touch with her to set our rendezvous but one thing is for sure whatever happens that day. Things will change for sure.
If she comes back then I'll know what it's like to smile and be happy again.
If she doesn't I'll be sadder than ever.
The one thing that will never change is this.

...My love for her.


Happy Birthday Ikoy!

Rain fell at 12:31 am

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