Thursday, November 20, 2003

I'm okay

A lot of people ask me if I'm okay and I'm getting a little sick of it.
Of course I'm okay, Why the hell would you think otherwise?

I'm okay.

I'm not hurting.
What happened to me just went off with a shrug.
Shit happens. I should know better than that.

I'm okay.

I don't miss her a bit.
I don't think of her anymore. even now as I write about her.
My mind has let go of her memories.

I'm okay.

My tears has run dry.
I don't cry every night.
I look at her pictures no more.

I'm okay.

I'm perfectly fine.
I'm alright.
I've never been better.

I'm okay.

I feel nothing.

So don't ask me if I'm okay.

Because I'm not.

and if being okay would mean moving on without her.
then I don't know anymore.

I need you...

darkness fell at 2:42 pm

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