Friday, January 08, 2010

TL Jesus

A few months back my good friend at the office was seriously contemplating on leaving the company and I think I managed to convince her to stay and wait for the 13th month pay and go from there. (Well I guess she stayed because she needs the job too.) Lets name her Joei for the sole purpose of being discreet. She's my partner in whining and cursing every day, every freakin' day we put on the headset and turn into emotional doormats (as she puts it) of our good old customers.

As luck turns to our side and the wheel of fate finally settles to smiles and sunny skies. We were given a new team leader. I said to her, "I think she's nice, and she's really kind and understanding maybe that will give you enough reason to stay". I paused and thought for a while and said, I guess it wouldn't really matter to you even if you have Jesus became your supervisor. If you have no passion for what you are doing it will always be a cross on your shoulder.

Then I had this funny thought, having Jesus as your team leader wouldn't be such a breeze either. Imagine approaching Him and asking for approval for credits and He will answer you with "My son, I'll tell about you the parable of the mustard seed... or the parable of the sower" and before you can decipher if the credit has been approved or not, your customer might have gone to slumberland or may have choked himself to death.

Kidding and blasphemy aside, I am still waiting for that day that I will wake up one morning and feel psyched that I am going to work, and not look at my job as a means to an end. Yes I am proud that I am not some vagabond who begs for food and alms. Yes there is nothing wrong with being a call center agent, (but there's something wrong with you if you wear a shirt that says Little Miss Agent with a cartoon drawing of a girl wearing a headset), but there's nothing wrong with wishing for more I suppose.

I now know the cause of my misery, and I'm hoping one day I'll find the strength to move forward.


Unknown said...

Working IS a means to an end. If you're unable to define that end then you will never see the point. I value the fact that i can leave work, be at home less than an hour later to play with my daughter. But at the end of the day, its the pay that counts. I've graduated from letting my work define who I am. It's a good reference but the framework is oudated.

Jay said...

Im surprised that's coming from you. I haven't asked what type of work you do but I guess that's beyond the point you were making. Its just hard not to complain when you feel like being tied to a chair for 6 hours a day and you feel like a cripple because whatever you do, it doesnt make sense at all. I guess that's why I keep this blog even though I have to ask people to come visit it its almost 7 yrs old now if you think about it. And I miss 2003 when I would check my blog and see a dozen comments. It seem to have lost its popularity along with the bloggers who started with me and has long given up on it... Maybe that's what I should do... Write