Wednesday, March 10, 2004


I spoke to her last night, it still feels weird talkin' to someone who at one point in your life became your life and for all it's meaning, still is...
I miss her. for the nth time I've written it down, screamed it in my mind with the hope that it would reach her. Now she's hearing it from me but its not gonna mean anything anymore.
Because I'm with someone else now, someone probably more deserving than her.
and so is she.
She asks me, " Do you feel that I still love you? "
I couldn't make a word out of it and just say " I guess so..."
and she blurts out, "The feeling is still there, but I don't want to be with you, not now... "
" ... that's why I still can't get myself to commit with him, not until I'm over you... "
" Perhaps someday we'll meet again and when we feel that we still love each other, and the need is still there, we'll be together again. "

Yeah, someday.

I'll stop asking why we can't be together even though we both know how much we still ache for each other.
I'll stop breathing your name, I won't be kissing you in my dreams anymore.

Because you'll be here.


rain fell at 11:28 pm

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