Saturday, September 20, 2003

Cool VS. Uncool

How do we define cool? I say it's relative.
It does not depend on one's eccentricity nor on one's
rather creative and innate ability to go weird or mysterious. Some people may say this gal is cool
because she dresses nice (but then again what's nice
to you may not be nice to me; vice versa) or some may
say she's too fat to wear midribs. Some may say this guy is cool because he wears his shorts over his pants;
others may he's a geek or a no-brainer just tryin' to catch everyoner's attention, or simply put: an "uncool"
tryin so hard to be "cool".
Yesterday I saw "almost famous" on HBO for the nth time. For one who's into rock bands
he may agree with me that the movie was cool. The music was great, the story was moving (Kate Hudson was gorgeous!) but some may say the contrary...

What am I driving at?

Sometimes we worry ourselves too much with people's
standards that we fail to see that we're losing our sense of self in the process. Sometimes we don't really know who we are anymore. We try to blend with what society says is "cool" rendering us sooo "not cool" anymore.
The bottomline is, it's cool to be you...
Next time, why dont we try bring "hot" for a change?

(Isn't it ironic that what we often regard as cool can also ba called "hot"?... just a thought...)


The gloom
(inspired by lana lang's lament on whitney)

It's amazing how quickly light can go out
and let darkness completely conquer a room
in an instant. No goodbye's, not even a flicker.
It just leaves without a trace.

It's amazing how quickly light can go out
and leave you longing for that moment;
that one still fragment of time you held
the memory of a face which quickly fades out
yet the essence lingers on, and on, perhaps forever...

It's amazing how quickly light can go out
from a star your gaze claimed;
it just burns out and fades away

It's amazing how quickly light can go out
and let hope die with it...

This heart will not falter
and in the darkness that covers this room
and all of me,

This lonely soul awaits

for that tiny light to fill the void again
and seize my world again.

...You are my light.

Rain fell at 5:57 pm

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