Saturday, January 29, 2011

5 reasons why kids shouldn't watch Dora

You've probably heard of her by now. That annoying little girl who prances around with her pet monkey. She has now invaded every home and captured your kids heart with her singing and awesome dance moves.

Let me present my case here, and find out why your kids shouldn't watch her show.

1. She leaves and goes to her expensive exploring trips without the consent of her parents. I can imagine that she doesn't go to school and has no formal education which explains why she'd  rather be friends with a monkey as she never was exposed to socialization

2. Backpack,backpack. - This is totally beyond me. Why would anyone keep a bag that talks and answers to the call "Backpack, backpack"? To make things worse. You can't just pull out the stuff that you need from this bag, He will make you choose what you need in the form of a game. Talk about absurdity at its finest.

3. Swiper no swiping!-  There has never been an antagonist as weakly depicted as Swiper the Fox. Can you imagine getting mugged and stopping the mugger by saying  "Mugger no mugging, mugger no mugging!" If I were the mugger, Id get scared. (and weirded out)

4. The Bangs- Need I say more? Anyway, for arguments sake let me defend the point. Dora's hair looks as outdated as my grandma's false teeth. Nevermind that Vice Ganda has fooled herself to thinking that she pulled it off and now calls herself "Bangs ganda" It still looks ridiculous to me. On second thought, I've seen horses with bangs in Baguio and it didn't look so bad.

5. Teleportation- While quantum physics may still hold the key to teleportation as well as time travel. This vagabond kid is fooling your kids by making them believe that they can pass through space and time with her explorations to caves, the moon and your bathroom.

I'll let the talking map go because while a singing map can be an annoying guide, it is nowhere as absurd as the one's mentioned above. I'll just think of "The Map" as a GPS Navigation gadget.

And if these points still aren't enough to convince you, take a look at this mug shot of Dora. Apparently she was seen caught crossing the border of Mexico without valid identification and was charged as an illegal immigrant.

She resisted arrest and fought with the police which explains the black eye. Her pet monkey fled the scene and took her backpack with him.

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