Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My 30th Birthday

A few weeks before my birthday, my wife asked me how I wanted to celebrate my 30th birthday, I told her I wanted to go to the beach. And so we did. I don't have much to say except that I had a grand time. We went to Canyon Cove in Nasugbu, Batangas. Abee made sure my birthday would be memorable. She did everything to make our trip to the beach possible. She said this would be her birthday gift for me. I guess she knows the beach is my comfort place. That one place you can go to and make all your worries and stress disappear.

The rates aren't too steep. Its 500 pesos per head but you get to consume 200 pesos off the entrance fee. And since we were seven in the group including the driver we had 1400 pesos to spend for our lunch, not bad right? (Rates are for daytour only) If you plan on staying overnight, the rooms are for 5000 pesos+.

The pool

The Infinity pool.

Jaden, Jay and Abee

The Beach

My wife and me


Cabanas are rented for 1000 pesos. They offer a lot of fun activities, like kayaking, snorkeling, diving is also one of the things I'd love to try out too. I wanted to ride the jet skii but it was for 1800 pesos for 15 mins which was too costly for me.

I wish I was being paid to blog about Canyon Cove or maybe they can give me a 50% discount the next time I visit there but unfortunately this is a free ad. Let that be my gift to you on my birthday. If you have plans this summer, Canyon Cove is the place to be. (Cheesy!!!)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Of text lingos and interchanging consonants and vowels

Call me crazy, but as technology has gifted us with gadgets that makes life easier and convenient, it is slowly robbing us of our sanity and common sense. Sanity may very well be a strong word but its just my way of stressing the fact that I hate the way people converse in the mobile phone universe, at least here in the Philippines.

Maybe we're evolving backwards and we want to go back to those times that people communicate by sign language or language is slowly being replaced by the digital language.

"Wer na u? d2 na me." Why interchange ako with me? Why? Why?

"San q keu mit?" q for ko? lazy...

And to make it worse, the innate desire to belong gets the better of the manliest of men and succumb to the lure of stupidity. They fail to realize how gay it would sound to use Va instead of Ba.

"Nakufo, valik work na naman sa Monday..."

Yes its petty, but I guess this roots from the fear that when my son gets old, spelling and grammar will be a thing of the past.

Friday, January 08, 2010

TL Jesus

A few months back my good friend at the office was seriously contemplating on leaving the company and I think I managed to convince her to stay and wait for the 13th month pay and go from there. (Well I guess she stayed because she needs the job too.) Lets name her Joei for the sole purpose of being discreet. She's my partner in whining and cursing every day, every freakin' day we put on the headset and turn into emotional doormats (as she puts it) of our good old customers.

As luck turns to our side and the wheel of fate finally settles to smiles and sunny skies. We were given a new team leader. I said to her, "I think she's nice, and she's really kind and understanding maybe that will give you enough reason to stay". I paused and thought for a while and said, I guess it wouldn't really matter to you even if you have Jesus became your supervisor. If you have no passion for what you are doing it will always be a cross on your shoulder.

Then I had this funny thought, having Jesus as your team leader wouldn't be such a breeze either. Imagine approaching Him and asking for approval for credits and He will answer you with "My son, I'll tell about you the parable of the mustard seed... or the parable of the sower" and before you can decipher if the credit has been approved or not, your customer might have gone to slumberland or may have choked himself to death.

Kidding and blasphemy aside, I am still waiting for that day that I will wake up one morning and feel psyched that I am going to work, and not look at my job as a means to an end. Yes I am proud that I am not some vagabond who begs for food and alms. Yes there is nothing wrong with being a call center agent, (but there's something wrong with you if you wear a shirt that says Little Miss Agent with a cartoon drawing of a girl wearing a headset), but there's nothing wrong with wishing for more I suppose.

I now know the cause of my misery, and I'm hoping one day I'll find the strength to move forward.

Saturday, January 02, 2010


I remember when I was a kid, I wished that I can pull time forward and be 21 and do all the things that adults can do. I so wanted to get away from home and have the freedom to stay up late, party and not worry about the 6pm curfew that my mom imposes. (Otherwise I'll end up picking my clothes on the streets because she throws them all away if I'm not home at the dot).

Let me cut to the chase and go straight to the point, Im turning 30, 23 days from now and I wish I can go back in time. Time flies faster as you grow older. And you end up gloating and sulking about things you want to do or accomplish or even bigger, things you didn't do and things you could have done. You go and make plans for the next 5 years but it seems like you can't squeeze it all in such a small window of time. You wish for more time.

The irony doesn't stop there, some 10 or 2 decades ago you wanted to travel through time fast forward to your mid twenties to have the time of your life and  you end up waking on your 27th birthday wishing you were seventeen and still learning the truths of life.

The sad fact is that you can't turn back time, but you can however make the most of the time you have left in this world. The Mayans predict the world will end in 2012 and if that's true that leaves us with 2 years to live a meaningful life. I guess if there's one good thing about this whole end of the world rumor is that some people will try to live a better life or if going to heaven even matters to them then they will try to be better people.

Coherence thrown out of the wind, the whole premise of this article got lost along with my bitterness. And as the sour reality of it kicks in I guess all I wanted to say is that time and life are too bitter enemies that will never get along because they try to outrun each other and life always loses the battle. The world doesn't wait for you to come along, but do not make decisions on impulse. One song says *some of the most interesting 40 year old people still don't know what to do with their lives but you'll never know when its too late and your just watching yourself burn and fade out.

"Make the most out of everyday" This line has been used over and over again but this makes more sense to me now that my age has gotten into me. I used to say, Age only has wheels but the person itself  do not, now I fear that I'm running out of time to make sense, to look back at my own meandering existence and smile about it.

Take each step with caution, do things that makes you and others smile. When someone says Live your life, don't take it literally, it means get a life worth living. Happiness is a choice you have to make so find that one thing that you know you'll do with passion.

Don't make the same mistakes I did.