I just realized, I have never had my president win the elections ever since I first voted in 1998. That was when Erap made history as the first dumb ass president to rule a nation. Serves us right, with the kind of voters we have, we deserve the ones we put in public office. After all a tribe of dodos cant be ruled by chimpanzees.
In 2004 Roco’s name was in my ballot, and yet again, my candidate lost. GMA took the office again and the past 6 years we saw her turn our country from bad to worst, the poor got poorer and multiplied. Can we blame her? Or should we blame ourselves? Come to think of it, even if she did not cheat in the 2004 elections and FPJ won, could it have been any better?
The fact is, we never learn. We have not learned from the mistakes of 1998. The type of president we put into office only displays the political maturity of this country. Most of us vote for famous people, for the kumpare ng kumpare ni lolo, for the candidate who gave you 300 pesos and a bag of groceries, for the candidate who will likely win. Very few actually vote for the one’s they think are worthy.
Tomorrow will be my 3rd presidential elections and tomorrow’s decision decides the next 6 years and the future of my son, and your children’s children. I am voting for Gibo and again, my candidate isnt’ one of the top 2 and will likely lose. But I can hold my head up high and say I thought about it, no one convinced me to vote for him and I am voting for him because I believe he can make a difference. And I can tell my son, “I thought about you when I made my choice”
That’s how its going to be. Until we learn to choose for ourselves and listen to our conscience, our next leaders will always reflect the kind of nation we are; immature and gullible fanatics who believe in fairytales of rags to riches.