Sunday, April 11, 2004

never last

There is no lasting happiness.

Not in this world.

One moment you find yourself dancing in glee while singin' in the rain and the next day you got yourself an aching back and a sore throat.

Some good things never last. they never will.

Sometimes I wish I could just get stucked in time, seize and freeze the moments I wore a smile on my face and felt real happy inside.

Sometimes I wish I never knew what it's like to feel happy so I wouln't go looking for it when it has left and flown away.

No matter how hard you try to free yourself from all the world's anxieties it will always have a way of catching up on you.

All these shall come to pass.

Including happiness.

rain fell at 1:24 pm

Wednesday, April 07, 2004


I'm in some sort of a writing slump right now, I have been constantly playing with the letters and the backspace key since yesterday, I must have been really worn out. All the writings I've been doing the past few months might have drained me out. and here I am still tryin' to make up words, make up for the lost time. Lost time in the blogworld. I hope somehow I'll come up with something worth reading.

I guess I'll just talk about the word "trust" right now.
Every relationship, or should I say any kind of human relationship would require this simple intangble thing. Not many of us can freely or easily give it, Its something you have to work on, it's something you have to earn. I myself have been in lots of trouble by trusting and not trusting people. Either way I get hurt and I find myself asking " to trust " or " not to trust ".

I guess you'd sense the anger and the frustration as you read on, probably you're wondering what am I leading to, what do I really wanna say, No, don't expect me to be able to weave catchy lines, I'm too enraged for that now.

It just so happened that the person whom I trusted so much ran away with our youth organizations fund, took off with the basketball players money and left me with a reputation of being an irresponsible youth org's president.

I used to admire him for his tireless dedication, and hardwork, little did I know of his real motives.

We found a copy of the draft of the financial statement that he made and compared it with the ones he submitted to us. and oh my, you'd be surprised with the discrepancies.

I wonder how he sleeps at night.

And that guy with a hairlip, "ngongo" to use our mother tongue, have been wanting all his life to be the recipient of a model youth award.

I wish you sleepless nights, and another hole in your nostrils

rain fell at 3:11 pm